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GSO Test

World Mental Health Day - Monday 10th October: Wear Something Green & Donate

The theme for World Mental Health Day 2022 is ‘Make mental health and wellbeing for all a global priority.’ The ribbon colour this year is green.

On Monday 10th October, students can wear something green with their school uniform. Instead of paying, we are asking for a donation of non-perishable food.  Donations can be brought to the top of the hall at the beginning of the day.

All the food collected will be donated to Chesterfield Foodbank who are desperate for donations.
They have provided food to over 5518 people this year – this 33% more people than they helped in the same period last year!

By wearing something green and donating food students improve their own mental health (people always feel good when helping others) and help others mental health as they will be providing much needed food for those who desperately need it.